Womens Pajamas- A Multi-Billion Dollar Industry
Released on = December 14, 2005, 6:36 am
Press Release Author = bridgetallen
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = The market for womens pajamas is roughly a $3.8 billion industry in the United States, in part due to the increasing demand for comfort clothing for women.
Press Release Body = Womens Pajamas: A Multi-Billion Dollar Industry
The market for womens pajamas is roughly a $3.8 billion industry in the United States, in part due to the increasing demand for comfort clothing for women.
It should of little surprise with comfort being such an issue for women today that the womens pajamas market accounted for just under $4 billion in sales in 2004. While some may argue the inconsistency of the apparel market, especially in terms of the female sector, it appears that some things may never change. Women like being comfortable and they are willing to pay for that comfort.
Many designers have taken advantage of this growing trend in the past years, such as Karen Neuburger, who developed an entire line of pajamas to be worn all day, as well as other comfort clothing. Since that time many other companies have jumped on the bandwagon to meet the increasing demand for such items. http://www.womenspajamas4.com/articles/womens-pajamas.html has more information on various providers of womens pajamas and the comfort craze.
Interestingly enough, a major factor in the increase in womens pajamas sales has to do with the generational divide and the decline of the sale of nightgowns. While pajama sales have increased by 9.2% over the last year, nightgown sales have decreased by 2.7%; some argue the reason for this lies in the age of wearer of each piece. This may not seem like a relevant factor but, especially during the holiday season, it is imperative for retailers to be able to read the market in order to provide the products that are in high demand. Falling short could lead to lost revenue for various companies. Whether cotton, silk, or satin, it seems stores will need to stock their shelves with P.J.\'s this holiday season to keep up with all of the women that want to stay comfortable.
For more information go to http://www.womenspajamas4.com/articles/womens-pajamas.html
Web Site = http://www.amsterdamprinting1.com/articles/amsterdam-printing.html
Contact Details = Bridget Allen
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